Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The new nail polish.

Hi there,

Someone I know got a new nail polish, or nail varnish as some of you might say.

And don't ask me why, but she wanted to test it on the toes of one of my feet...
And for what ever raison she got a bit messy in the process...

So here is just one quick photo of it.

Not a pro job...

Yet we liked it.

So do you prefer your toenails Au Naturel or with a bit of colours?

Have a nice day,
Mr pied.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Helene's Feet.

Helene is backpacking Australia from France. She is a 25 year old professional in France. In Australia she has been cleaning cars for 8 hours a day to fund her travels and social life.

Whilst cleaning cars she wears sneakers and socks. However her feet have been getting wet, wrinkly, tired and sore too. You will see that her lovely feet have had some rough times lately. Helene also has some little warts on her heel.

She wanted you to know "Je n'aime pas les verrues!!!" ("I don't like warts!!!")
Warts On The Heel.
Hello There
Get Up Close, I Have A Secret To Tell